My friends were in a big place playing rugby. The place was big and with a lot of trees and leaves on the ground. That place was beautiful and colourful with big flowers and plants. My friends were happy but suddenly, started to rain. They had to go to their houses but before they went home, they saw a dead child. They saw an assassin with a knife in front of the biggest tree of the place. My friends started to run but one of them felt on the grass.

Story opening by Mounir- The scary robot
The caretaker was going to close the doors and go to his house when he listened a noise. The noise came from the third floor. He was a little bit scared but he went up with the elevator. He shuffled slowly. At the end of the corridor, in the English classroom, there was a light flickering. The caretaker went slowly and scared. There was a monster robot lying on the ground. The robot woke up and looked firmly to the caretaker. The caretaker hurried very fast because he was scared. He hide in the Maths class. The robot was searching for the caretaker.
Story opening by Anahi- A place to learn
The teenagers walked the long corridors, looking for their classes. They had a backpack and some girls had a bag. The tables were drawn and the chairs were lame. Teachers came to their classes with the goal of teaching something new to their students but they just are waiting for the bell to ring to go home.

Story opening by Mario- The childrens skate
I am in a place that there are many benches. There are some iron bars. There are ups and downs and people with a skate cross the all the place and they do some flips and Ollie’s, tricks in general. There are kids too. They try to imitate the elders but, most of they fail in the attempt. There are also stands so that people can watch the children and how they try to do those cool tricks.
Story opening by Lucas- His own story
Suddenly I woke up. I was lying on the grass, and my head was hurting. I looked around me, but I just saw trees. Nobody was there. I stood up and started walking, but that place was very big. The only thing I could see were some buildings very far away. The trees were about 20 metres tall, but they didn’t have a lot of leaves: I could see the sky through them. It wasn’t a sunny day. There were clouds covering all the sky. Two minutes after, it started raining, and I ran to the city.

Prompt picture of gas station by Lucas
Last year a terrible thing happened to me. I was travelling by car with my dad when we saw a black car in front of us. It was moving very fast. My dad tried to stop our car, but suddenly we crashed. I was in a shock for a few seconds; I didn’t know what was happening. Then I looked at my dad and he was unconscious. I looked for a mobile phone to call the ambulance, but there was no one. I went out of the car and looked around me. There was an old gas station, so I quickly got in.

Story opening by Joel- Big building
There is a door in front of a big building. The building had a lot of windows around the place and it had 4 tread. In the building there are classes and a big playground outside. There is also a theatre and an inside playground too. The building is brown, blue and grey. There are letters outside the building but the letters are staked. Finally, the boy couldn’t enter.

Story opening by Abril- Old building
I was waiting in front of the door of the building. The walls were made of brick and it looked a little bit old. They didn't open yet, but I came ten minutes later, because I wanted to be the first customer of the afternoon. They finally had ''Heroes of the Universe'', the new movie adaptation from my favourite comic! I was so excited!
Meanwhile I was thinking about the movie, I saw Tom walking down the street. He came two minutes earlier. Lucky day!
Prompt picture of a gas station by Sergi
The story begins at a gas station. That gas station has a hidden secret that the man will soon uncover.The man enters at the gas station and sees that there is no one then.He heard a noise coming from the back of the gas station,the man went to see what happened and saw a dead man hanging from the ceiling but there was a note that said: you can not go back.
All about Lucas
My name is Lucas López and I’m 13 years old. I really like science, math and astronomy. I also play piano. When I’m bored, I always think about numbers. When I’m older I want to work in something related with science.
I have learnt lots of nouns, adjectives, verbs and expressions to write in English. Now I’m prepared to write about anything!
Contact me! If you like my texts, you can send me messages through WhatsApp, Instagram or Gmail.
- WhatsApp: 653 151 080
- Instagram: lucas08950
- Gmail:
The Life Story of a stone by Lucas
The Life Story of a stone by Lucas
I come from an old country, Italia. I’m a happy and quiet stone that speaks Italian.
I was part of a mountain in Rome since the Earth was born. I saw the evolution of the world and the humanity. One time, I got bored and fell out from the mountain. Then I rolled to the sea. I was three thousands of years rolling under the sea. I saw and learned lots of things there! After that I saw the Barcelona coast. The water was very muddy. Suddenly, I noticed something. A woman took me and carried me to Esplugues. Now I’m in a big class in La Mallola.
People see me like a small thing, but I see them very big. They look like giants. I’m very happy of being here. I can see the students, and they are fun!
All about me by Laia
All about me by Laia
My name is Laia. I'm 14 years old. I'm from Barcelona, Spain. I live in a flat, in a
village called Esplugues de Lobregat. I live with my parents, brother and sister. My
parents are Asian, from Philippines. My brother is called Nico and he's 11 years
old, he's a good boy and he's really good at dancing. My sister is called Paula,
she's 19 years old, I adore her. One of my hobbies is handball. I play in a handball
team, in the Esplugues team. I actually play in the goalkeeper position. Other
hobbies are music and spend time with friends and family. I really love music, it's
my passion. I have to take my music everywhere I go. I love singing. In other hand, my
personality it's pretty strong. I am a strong person with a strong soul.
All about Mounir
Aladdin's lamp by Noelia
All about Mounir
I’m Mounir from the class 3rd B ESO. I’m 14 years old. I like the technology and computer science. If I could go anywhere, I would go to the USA, because it has been my dream since I was little. After high school, I will probably go to the University of Barcelona to study computer engineering.
About my writing experience the most I have liked so far is when we had to touch a thing to describe it because it was a fun activity. I also learn the most
when the teacher explained me the things with some examples. I have learnt a lot of vocabulary that I didn’t know, but now I can write and pronounce it very well. Sometimes, when my teacher returns me the correction of the writing, I look the mistakes I did and I try not repeating the mistake. One example is when I have to use the word ‘also’.
If you like to contact me, you can write me at or follow me on twitter @amarillo2307.
The life story of a shell by Mounir
I come from an old country near the Atlantic Ocean. First, I’m going to tell you which my country is. I come from Atlantis Siparusius. That’s a very big country.
It has the newest technology. For example, you can teletransport to the place you want. I’m very friendly because when I was in Atlantis Siparusius all the
people were my friends and they were very good with me. I’m also funny and smart. When I was with my friends, I told them many jokes. I travelled until here
by plane because a child picked me up from the beach. In addition, he put me on his suitcase. When we arrived home I ran to the exit, but I couldn’t open the door. Then, I slept there. Third, the next day a woman carried me to a place where there were many children. Many children touched me. I see people very big. Finally, I would like to speak Spanish and Catalan.
All about Noelia
Hi! I'm Noelia. I'm 14 years old, and I live in Barcelona. My friends say I'm so shy,
sometimes funny, and very “especial”. I want to study medicine, because I have loved it
since I was four. My dream work is actress because I really like acting.
My hobbies are reading, because when I read I feel like in another world, and listen
english music with my earphones. I could be all day listening to music.
My English level is normal, I can write and read but speak it's quite difficult to me.
If you want to contact with me, my mail is and my
My name is Eric Deu. I'm 14 years old. I have one brother, his name is Marc, my dad Jordi
and my mum Montse.
I am very funny, but, I have a lot of character, I get angry very fast. I like to dance hip-
hop, basketball and sing. I would like to work in the world of fashion, but, I see it difficult.
Also, I like to be a teacher.
I love going to buy clothes, it's my hobbie, I can spend a lot of time looking at clothes. I go
to the institute IES La Mallola, I approve everything, but I have to improve.
I live with my father and my brother.
One of my dreams is to travel the world, to know new cultures and languages and another of my dreams is to have 2 children because I love them.
The Cinderella shoe by Eric
My story started when I am at the foot of a young woman, inside a float. I remember that I fell in the palace of the prince and there I fainted.
When I woke up I heard the future king say that he had to find that girl. I was sad for that girl, because I should always be next to my twin, because if we are separated, we get bigger and could not be made smaller, it could be that the girl's shoe goes big.
I think the girl was happy to go to the party, but I saw something evil in her, but I did not know what.
That same day, we went to each town house to try the girls shoes. Only one girl did her
shoe well, her name was Griselda, they got married and lived happy, but the prince lived with a lie all his life.
The Life Story of... By Noelia
The Life Story of... By Noelia
I was born in a little town, near Tarragona. I lived with me family in a big tree. When I grew up, a man separated me from my family. I was so scared. He put me in a box, and then I felt like I was in a truck. After about two hours, I saw the light. I was in Barcelona, because I saw a poster with “BCN” on.
A woman took me to a fruit store. When I was there, I felt better because there were so many fruits like me but I was still afraid.
A blond woman bought me and she bring me where I am now. I feel happy because here I have one friend, he's a orange, and I fell in love with a kiwi, he's so cute. And it's all my life!
Aladdin's lamp by Noelia
I was in a cave, for two hundred years, and I was very bored. The only thing I saw was black. Black, and more black! Only darkness. I had a genie inside me, and the only thing he said was “I want to get out of here”. Sometimes I listened a snak around me, but nothing happened.
One day, the cave opened, and I was so happy. The genie was happier than me in those moments, because he only screamed. A boy appeared in the cove, and for first time in hundreds of years, I saw something! I was very exited. But, when I thought I will be free, the cove closed, but the boy called “Aladdin” left free to the genie and he, like always, gave him a desire. He wished be in other place and be rich.
The rest is history.
I really love Aladdin and his wife, and I hate the bad man. Now, I’m in palace, and the genie and I are happy, and that’s all.
All about David
If you want to contact with me you can send my an email at
A life history of - Bogdan
I come from an old country. I’m from Slums, a city of mars. Firstly I’m very small and shy. I have two friends, Ella and Olesion, they are very friendly. One day, two big people were playing with me at the space. Finally I felt on the earth. The wind carried me in Spain. I saw that people are very tall and they have clothes. It’s very strange. Finally I want to speak Spanish because I am from Spain but I want to speak other languages like English, French and Germany too.
Cinderella Shoes - Lucas
All about David
My name is David Granero. I’m 14 years old. I live in Esplugues de Llobregat, Barcelona. I have
one sister; his name is Silvia. My father is Damian and my mother is Sonia. I am an intelligent
person. My high is 1`78cm. My hair is black and my eyes brown. After high school, I will
probably study at the university. To become a personal trainer.
My dream is to visit Santiago Bernabeu, I am a supporter of Real Madrid, and to live in Almeria.
I would like to get married with my girlfriend.
The most I have liked it so far to write and speak with teacher. I have learnt many nouns and
adjectives. For example: fish are blue, the boy is boring...
My favourite food is chips and I don’t like Frankfurt. My favourite sport is football and basketball
and I don’t like tennis. When I was a chill I wanted to be Ronaldinho.
Follow me in Instagram. @david.ghr
The life story of a shell by David
She from an old country, Argentina. My history starts in sea, I was swimming on the beach when suddenly one shark appeared. The shark intention to eat me. Four months later a ship pirate hunted his shark, he was to eat me. Then I appeared on a pirate ship inside the shark.They threw Me into the sea and I floated to the shore of Spain. There, a girl grabbed me and took me to a class with some kids.
All about Bogdan
My name is Bogdan, I am 15 years old and I am going at 3rd of ESO in La Mallola. My bests friends are Joel and Mounir, we help us in our homework and exams. My favourites subjects are Science and History because they are interesting but I hate music and maths because they are boring. I like to play tennis. That is my hobby but I like to swim too. I n the future I would like to travel to Los Angeles to visit Hollywood because I like to watch films. I would like to be a scientist to discover a new disease.
If you want to contact with me you can send my an email at
A life history of - Bogdan
I come from an old country. I’m from Slums, a city of mars. Firstly I’m very small and shy. I have two friends, Ella and Olesion, they are very friendly. One day, two big people were playing with me at the space. Finally I felt on the earth. The wind carried me in Spain. I saw that people are very tall and they have clothes. It’s very strange. Finally I want to speak Spanish because I am from Spain but I want to speak other languages like English, French and Germany too.
Cinderella Shoes - Lucas
Hi! I’m the shoe that Cinderella wore in her tale.
I’m small and I’m always on the floor, so I can only see Cinderella’s foot. I see it all very big and high. I think that Cinderella is nice and friendly. She mustn’t do all the housework. About the stepsisters, I think that they are impolite and selfish. The stepmother is like them, but she is a good person after all. The prince is an intelligent man.
I think that Cinderella was lucky when she stayed alone at home: through that she could fall in love with the prince. Now they are married and they live happy together.
But there’s something I’d like to be different: Cinderella keeps doing housework when she goes to her stepmother’s house. I don’t like that.
Cinderella shoes - David
My story begins when I appear on a girl's foot. I'm goericing to the Prince's Palace in a magic pumpkin float. Suddenly at 12 o'clock I fall down the stairs of the palace. For one day I'm looking for the right girl who lost me, until I found her. My brother and I were in a glass box.
The Magic Lamp - Mounir
Cinderella shoes - David
My story begins when I appear on a girl's foot. I'm goericing to the Prince's Palace in a magic pumpkin float. Suddenly at 12 o'clock I fall down the stairs of the palace. For one day I'm looking for the right girl who lost me, until I found her. My brother and I were in a glass box.
The Magic Lamp - Mounir
I’m the magic lamp and I’m always with Aladdin because he uses me a lot. When he put me on a shelve I see a lot of glasses, plates, spoons and more dishes, they are bigger than me. And when he picks me to the market I see many fruits like Mr. Banana and Mr. Apple. Also, I see a lot of lamps but they aren’t magic like me. I think Aladdin is the best person I’ve ever met, because he is very friendly and he always is happy and the worst person I’ve met is the magician, he’s very evil and he isn’t friendly. In the story I started in a dark cave with gold and treasure, I was very scared because I couldn’t see anything. Then Aladdin picks me to his house and I felt very relaxed. But his mum gives me to the evil magician. Then I was very frightened but suddenly returned my owner. Also, I’m thin when my friend Genius leaves me to make reality a wish or a dream. I would like to be bigger because many people don’t see me. And I’d like to have legs because If anyone move me I’m going to stay in the same place.
Story opening by Eric- The missing children
In this place, there are bench, trees, lakes, animals... When you sit on the bench, you listen a birds. There is much grass. In this place, there are children playing football, basketball and playing in the ground. The parents of this children are sitting in the bench. While this parents sitting they looked at them. A dad was confused for a moment. His children disappear and five seconds later, he listen a scream.

Story opening by Noelia- The boy of DVDs
It was such a room. The most famous song of “The Beatles” was so loud. There was like a hundred of shelves with DVD’s of movies and CD’s of so old music. It was a big poster of “Marvel” in a wall. In front of the wall it was another poster of some old music bands. The boy came in the room looking at the floor. Like him looked, he appears so shy. The employee get close to him and said “Welcome to VideoWorld. Can I help you?”
Story opening by Eric- The missing children
In this place, there are bench, trees, lakes, animals... When you sit on the bench, you listen a birds. There is much grass. In this place, there are children playing football, basketball and playing in the ground. The parents of this children are sitting in the bench. While this parents sitting they looked at them. A dad was confused for a moment. His children disappear and five seconds later, he listen a scream.
Story opening by Noelia- The boy of DVDs
It was such a room. The most famous song of “The Beatles” was so loud. There was like a hundred of shelves with DVD’s of movies and CD’s of so old music. It was a big poster of “Marvel” in a wall. In front of the wall it was another poster of some old music bands. The boy came in the room looking at the floor. Like him looked, he appears so shy. The employee get close to him and said “Welcome to VideoWorld. Can I help you?”
Prompt picture of a gas station by Bogdan
In the picture we can see an adult man that has a backpack. I think that he is looking for a job because is in front of a gas station. But maybe he is going to kill somebody because I think that in to his backpack there is a gun. He is in a deserted city because there are only three cars and I think that are abandoned. It’s not a beautiful picture because the colours are too dark. I think that this picture is for a film. This person is going to die because there is an assassin inside.
Prompt picture of gas station by Óscar
He seems surprised, as if frightened, thoughtful.
The gas station was old, it has some cars nearby, with a forest behind, there is a turbulent atmosphere.
Story opening by Laia- The amazing school
In this place, there are children; boys and girls. There are different subjects. There are children playing football, tennis, basketball and playing in the floor. They have 30 minutes to eat some lunch. While parents are working; the children learn and spend time with their friends. At 12:30, they take a long break, and take the opportunity to eat.
In the picture we can see an adult man that has a backpack. I think that he is looking for a job because is in front of a gas station. But maybe he is going to kill somebody because I think that in to his backpack there is a gun. He is in a deserted city because there are only three cars and I think that are abandoned. It’s not a beautiful picture because the colours are too dark. I think that this picture is for a film. This person is going to die because there is an assassin inside.
Prompt picture of gas station by Óscar
He enters to the gas station and steals it, and when he tries to take advantage of one of the cars in front of him, was hard for him to open it but in the end he gets it, he leaves quickly but the arena makes him turn over and he gets caught in jail. When he was in the jail a lot of people plays with him because he was very funny. But of the man in his jail was very angry with him because he stole him the money and the gold that he had under his bed. The man said to the police and then...
Story opening by Andrea- Good weather
The weather is warm and there is sun but no clouds. There are many birds. There are a lot of benches. The kids play with the ball or the sand.They are so happy. There are people walking and doing sports, for example running,riding a bicycle or doing yoga. There are also dogs swimming in the lake or running on the grass. The grass is green and has many pink flowers.
In the grass, is a girl eating a sandwich. But when she want to drink water, a dog grabs his sandwich and…
All about me- Cesar
Hello, my name is César Flores I am 14 years old, I was born in Bolivia, but I am nationalized in Spain.
I consider myself tall, nice and I'm pretty shy, I'm from Atletico de Madrid,
I like sports, parties and festivals.
When I grow up I want to be a lawyer or an economist.
Cinderella shoes- Cesar
Cinderella is a story that tells how a girl goes to a dance that was for her.
She has a stepmother and 2 sisters who make her life impossible.They make a spell that ends at 12 o'clock at night, a shoe escapes and the prince looks for it, they find it and they get married.
Prompt picture of gas station- Cesar
He was in front of the gas station, with a backpack in his hand.All about me- Cesar
Hello, my name is César Flores I am 14 years old, I was born in Bolivia, but I am nationalized in Spain.
I consider myself tall, nice and I'm pretty shy, I'm from Atletico de Madrid,
I like sports, parties and festivals.
When I grow up I want to be a lawyer or an economist.
Cinderella shoes- Cesar
Cinderella is a story that tells how a girl goes to a dance that was for her.
She has a stepmother and 2 sisters who make her life impossible.They make a spell that ends at 12 o'clock at night, a shoe escapes and the prince looks for it, they find it and they get married.
Prompt picture of gas station- Cesar
He seems surprised, as if frightened, thoughtful.
The gas station was old, it has some cars nearby, with a forest behind, there is a turbulent atmosphere.
Story opening by Laia- The amazing school
In this place, there are children; boys and girls. There are different subjects. There are children playing football, tennis, basketball and playing in the floor. They have 30 minutes to eat some lunch. While parents are working; the children learn and spend time with their friends. At 12:30, they take a long break, and take the opportunity to eat.
Prompt picture of a gas station by Blai
A boy has been lost. The boy escaped and he’s hungry for that he goes to gas station. The boy has a backpack to survive. The name of the boy is jack. Jack only has two euros.
The parents are very worried for Jack, but they do not know where this Jack. The police they do not find him, and the fathers are more worried. The boy is 17 years old, he can survive. He’s going to buy fruit because its saludable with the body.
Story opening by Blai- Horror building
The building was empty. The boy walked but there was anyone. He screamed more times but anyone answered. He looked his class, and he open the door. He was go to take his backpack and his dark pen. The blinds were very closed. The lights were open. He taked the backpack and the pen and he was started to running because he was scared. When he arrived to the door of the building, it was closed. He looked to the left and he saw a dark person in a chair, looking to the wall...
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